Privacy Policy

At LearnCodingFaster, we take user privacy seriously and are committed to protecting the personal information of our users. Our updated Privacy Policy aims to provide clarity on how we collect, use, and protect user data.

Please note that our website utilizes the YouTube API, and as such, the privacy policy of Google, which owns YouTube, may differ from ours. We encourage you to review the Google privacy policy before using our website.

Data Collection:

We would like to assure our users that we do not collect any user data whatsoever, including personal information or browsing history, from their devices or through the YouTube API Services. We also do not allow any third parties to collect any user data from our platform.

Use of YouTube API Services:

As a YouTube API Client, we would like to state that we use YouTube API Services solely to provide users with access to YouTube content and data. However, we do not share any user data with Google or YouTube, nor do we store any user data on our servers.


Finally, we commit to notifying our users of any changes to our policies or practices that may affect their privacy. We also encourage our users to contact us directly with any questions or concerns they may have regarding our Privacy Policy.

We hope these updates address the concerns raised and provide our users with the transparency and clarity they deserve. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.